Some time ago I ported a subsystem from a proprietary XML-over-HTTP request/response format to webservices. The webservice client was done in Java. Now, as we were applying secure sockets (including our own local keystore for holding a client certificate), there used to be an issue with the Java Secure Socket Extension's default behaviour when tunnelling HTTP over a proxy. JSSE's default SSLSocketFactory somehow expects a "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" response (this is hardwired!), but many proxies reply with "HTTP1.1/200 OK" or "HTTP1.1/200 connection established". More on this issue on JavaWorld.
Now, we simply implemented our own SSLTunnelSocketFactory which would not be as restrictive. One can either attach it globally by invoking HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(), or on a per-connection basis: HttpsURLConnection.setSSLSocketFactory().
This just worked fine for HttpsURLConnections. But Apache Axis (1.1) is different. It comes with its own JSSESocketFactory implementation, which of course once again won't support the proxy's HTTP1.1-response. And it ignores the fact that we already installed our own SSLTunnelSocketFactory. I was about to patch Axis and roll out our own build, when I came across a forum post, which mentioned that Axis would allow other SocketFactories once they implement a public SocketFactory(Hashtable attributes) constructor. Actually, this constructor will never be invoked. It just needs to be there. And it works like a charm now.
Do you remember the last time you saw one of those "Three Mouseclicks To Create Your Webservice Client On (VS.NET | IBM WSAD)" presentations? Real life just ain't that easy.