Please note:
This code was not optimized for speed and has plenty of potential for performance improvement, esp. regarding nested looping. The competition rules included an upper time limit of 500ms per shot. This implementation runs at 1ms per shot in average, so there was no point in tuning that esp. as readability might have suffered.
The algorithm does not take into consideration opponents' behavior. The C# Pirates competition environment itself placed the ships randomly, and did not provide state storage on any larger scope than a single game, so it was not possible to react on opponent's behavior when shooting, or on different ship placement strategies.
Here is the resulting sourcecode:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using SoftwareArchitects.Battleships; namespace Battleships { [Player(Name = "The Privateer")] public class ThePrivateer : Player { private class ShipPositionOption { private int free; private bool done; private Direction dir; private Coordinates nextCoord; public ShipPositionOption(Direction posDir) { dir = posDir; free = 0; done = false; nextCoord = null; } public void Reset() { free = 0; done = false; nextCoord = null; } public void MarkInvalid() { free = 0; done = true; nextCoord = null; } public Coordinates NextCoord { get { return nextCoord; } set { nextCoord = value; } } public int Free { get { return free; } set { free = value; } } public bool Done { get { return done; } set { done = value; } } public Direction Dir { get { return dir; } } } private class Direction { private Orientation orient; private int dX; private int dY; public Direction(Orientation or, int x, int y) { orient = or; dX = x; dY = y; } public Orientation Orient { get { return orient; } } public int DX { get { return dX; } } public int DY { get { return dY; } } } private class SinkTryResult { private Direction dir; private Coordinates sinkCoord; public SinkTryResult(Coordinates sinkCoordParam, Direction dirParam) { sinkCoord = sinkCoordParam; dir = dirParam; } public Coordinates SinkCoord { get { return sinkCoord; } set { sinkCoord = value; } } public Direction Dir { get { return dir; } set { dir = value; } } } private enum Orientation : int { EAST = 0, WEST = 1, NORTH = 2, SOUTH = 3 } private enum Mode { ScanMode, SinkMode }; private static readonly IDictionary<Orientation, Direction> DIRECTIONS = new Dictionary<Orientation, Direction>(); private const int FIELD_DIM_X = 10; private const int FIELD_DIM_Y = 10; private const int EAST_IDX = (int)Orientation.EAST; private const int WEST_IDX = (int)Orientation.WEST; private const int SOUTH_IDX = (int)Orientation.SOUTH; private const int NORTH_IDX = (int)Orientation.NORTH; private Random rnd = new Random(); private Mode mode = Mode.ScanMode; private Coordinates sinkCoord = null; private bool[,] impossibleCoords = new bool[10, 10]; private int seekedShipSize = 5; private int hitCount = 0; private int[] sinksRequired = new int[] { 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1 }; static ThePrivateer() { DIRECTIONS[Orientation.EAST] = new Direction(Orientation.EAST, 1, 0); DIRECTIONS[Orientation.WEST] = new Direction(Orientation.WEST, -1, 0); DIRECTIONS[Orientation.SOUTH] = new Direction(Orientation.SOUTH, 0, 1); DIRECTIONS[Orientation.NORTH] = new Direction(Orientation.NORTH, 0, -1); } public ThePrivateer() { } public override void Move(PlayingField playingField) { if (mode == Mode.ScanMode) { Coordinates coord = GetNextScanCoord(playingField); if (playingField.Fire(coord.X, coord.Y) == State.HitShip) { sinkCoord = coord; mode = Mode.SinkMode; hitCount = 1; } } else if (mode == Mode.SinkMode) { SinkTryResult sinkTry = GetNextSinkTry(playingField); State res = playingField.Fire(sinkTry.SinkCoord.X, sinkTry.SinkCoord.Y); if (res == State.HitShip || res == State.SunkShip) { sinkCoord = sinkTry.SinkCoord; hitCount++; if (res == State.SunkShip) { sinksRequired[hitCount] = sinksRequired[hitCount] - 1; int sunkX = sinkCoord.X; int sunkY = sinkCoord.Y; for (int i = 0; i < hitCount; i++) { SetImpossibleCoord(sunkX - 1, sunkY - 1); SetImpossibleCoord(sunkX - 1, sunkY); SetImpossibleCoord(sunkX - 1, sunkY + 1); SetImpossibleCoord(sunkX, sunkY - 1); SetImpossibleCoord(sunkX, sunkY); SetImpossibleCoord(sunkX, sunkY + 1); SetImpossibleCoord(sunkX + 1, sunkY - 1); SetImpossibleCoord(sunkX + 1, sunkY); SetImpossibleCoord(sunkX + 1, sunkY + 1); sunkX = sunkX - sinkTry.Dir.DX; sunkY = sunkY - sinkTry.Dir.DY; } while (seekedShipSize > 0 && sinksRequired[seekedShipSize] == 0) { seekedShipSize--; } hitCount = 0; sinkCoord = null; mode = Mode.ScanMode; } } } } private ShipPositionOption[] CreateShipPositionOptions() { ShipPositionOption[] options = new ShipPositionOption[4]; options[EAST_IDX] = new ShipPositionOption(DIRECTIONS[Orientation.EAST]); options[WEST_IDX] = new ShipPositionOption(DIRECTIONS[Orientation.WEST]); options[SOUTH_IDX] = new ShipPositionOption(DIRECTIONS[Orientation.SOUTH]); options[NORTH_IDX] = new ShipPositionOption(DIRECTIONS[Orientation.NORTH]); return options; } private Coordinates GetNextScanCoord(PlayingField playingField) { ShipPositionOption[] options = CreateShipPositionOptions(); Coordinates bestCoord = null; int bestCnt = 0; int bestNeighborFact = 0; bool bestMatching = false; for (int x = 0; x < FIELD_DIM_X; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < FIELD_DIM_Y; y++) { if (IsUnknown(playingField, x, y)) { int cnt = 0; int neighborFact = 0; for (int shipSize = 0; shipSize < sinksRequired.Length; shipSize++) { if (sinksRequired[shipSize] > 0) { for (int optIdx = 0; optIdx < options.Length; optIdx++) { ShipPositionOption option = options[optIdx]; option.Reset(); for (int d = 1; d < shipSize && !option.Done; d++) { if (IsUnknown(playingField, x + d * option.Dir.DX, y + d * option.Dir.DY)) { option.Free = option.Free + 1; } else { option.Done = true; } } } int cntHor = Math.Max(0, options[EAST_IDX].Free + options[WEST_IDX].Free + 2 - shipSize); int cntVer = Math.Max(0, options[SOUTH_IDX].Free + options[NORTH_IDX].Free + 2 - shipSize); cnt += cntHor + cntVer; } } foreach (Direction dir1 in DIRECTIONS.Values) { int x1 = x + dir1.DX; int y1 = y + dir1.DY; if (IsUnknown(playingField, x1, y1)) { foreach (Direction dir2 in DIRECTIONS.Values) { int x2 = x1 + dir2.DX; int y2 = y1 + dir2.DY; if (x2 != x || y2 != y) { if (IsWaterOrImpossible(playingField, x2, y2)) { neighborFact++; } } } } } bool matching = MatchesScanPattern(x, y); if (cnt > bestCnt || (cnt == bestCnt && (neighborFact > bestNeighborFact || (neighborFact == bestNeighborFact && ((!bestMatching && matching) || (bestMatching == matching && rnd.Next(2) == 1)))))) { bestCnt = cnt; bestNeighborFact = neighborFact; bestMatching = matching; bestCoord = new Coordinates(x, y); } } } } return bestCoord; } private SinkTryResult GetNextSinkTry(PlayingField playingField) { ShipPositionOption[] options = CreateShipPositionOptions(); for (int i = 1; i < seekedShipSize && (!options[EAST_IDX].Done || !options[WEST_IDX].Done || !options[SOUTH_IDX].Done || !options[NORTH_IDX].Done); i++) { for (int optIdx = 0; optIdx < options.Length; optIdx++) { ShipPositionOption option = options[optIdx]; if (!option.Done) { Coordinates nextCoord = new Coordinates(sinkCoord.X + i * option.Dir.DX, sinkCoord.Y + i * option.Dir.DY); if (!IsValidCoord(nextCoord) || impossibleCoords[nextCoord.X, nextCoord.Y]) { option.Done = true; } else { State state = playingField.GetState(nextCoord.X, nextCoord.Y); if (state == State.Unknown) { if (option.NextCoord == null) { option.NextCoord = nextCoord; } option.Free = option.Free + 1; } else if (state == State.HitShip) { if (option.Dir.Orient == Orientation.EAST || option.Dir.Orient == Orientation.WEST) { options[SOUTH_IDX].MarkInvalid(); options[NORTH_IDX].MarkInvalid(); } else { options[EAST_IDX].MarkInvalid(); options[WEST_IDX].MarkInvalid(); } } else { option.Done = true; } } } } } ShipPositionOption bestOpt; ShipPositionOption option1; ShipPositionOption option2; int horFree = options[EAST_IDX].Free + options[WEST_IDX].Free; int verFree = options[SOUTH_IDX].Free + options[NORTH_IDX].Free; int minHorFree = Math.Min(options[EAST_IDX].Free, options[WEST_IDX].Free); int minVerFree = Math.Min(options[SOUTH_IDX].Free, options[NORTH_IDX].Free); if (horFree > verFree || (horFree == verFree && (minHorFree > minVerFree || (minHorFree == minVerFree && rnd.Next(2) == 1)))) { option1 = options[EAST_IDX]; option2 = options[WEST_IDX]; } else { option1 = options[SOUTH_IDX]; option2 = options[NORTH_IDX]; } if (option1.Free > option2.Free) { bestOpt = option1; } else if (option2.Free > option1.Free) { bestOpt = option2; } else { bestOpt = rnd.Next(2) == 1 ? option1 : option2; } return new SinkTryResult(bestOpt.NextCoord, bestOpt.Dir); } private bool IsUnknown(PlayingField playingField, int x, int y) { return IsValidCoord(x, y) && !impossibleCoords[x, y] && playingField.GetState(x, y) == State.Unknown; } private bool IsWater(PlayingField playingField, int x, int y) { return IsValidCoord(x, y) && playingField.GetState(x, y) == State.Water; } private bool IsWaterOrImpossible(PlayingField playingField, int x, int y) { return IsValidCoord(x, y) && (impossibleCoords[x, y] || playingField.GetState(x, y) == State.Water); } private bool MatchesScanPattern(Coordinates coord) { return coord != null && MatchesScanPattern(coord.X, coord.Y); } private bool MatchesScanPattern(int x, int y) { return (x + y) % 2 == 0; } private bool IsValidCoord(Coordinates coord) { return IsValidCoord(coord.X, coord.Y); } private bool IsValidCoord(int x, int y) { return x >= 0 && x < FIELD_DIM_X && y >= 0 && y < FIELD_DIM_Y; } private void SetImpossibleCoord(int x, int y) { if (IsValidCoord(x, y)) { impossibleCoords[x, y] = true; } } } }
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